
Tomato has come to occupy the top cash crop for the farmers and is the ubiquitous go to vegetable in the kitchen to add taste to almost every dish be it a vegetarian or non-vegetarian. At Tierra we have geared our breeding to deliver hybrids for the three major seasons viz: Rabi, Summer & Rainy seasons and in both round and square round segments. The key focus has been to breed multiple disease resistant hybrids carrying strong resistances to TLCV (Virus), Fusarium & Verticillium wilts, TMV, foliar diseases and a few with high heat tolerance. We have used molecular marker-based selection in our programs. We have discovered trait linked QTL markers for GBNV (Tospo) virus resistance & are delivering hybrids carrying this resistance to the farmers next year. Another unique project has been to bring heirloom tomato flavor & taste to Indeterminate round virus resistant hybrids suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. We have also created unique Indeterminate long shelf-life virus resistant superior tasting cocktail hybrids with excellent color.

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